• Dorothy

  • Edward Hicklin
  • Unrepped
  • Available
  • Comedy
  • Horror
  • Scouted
  • 72.1
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When a local corrupt real-estate developer tries to force an elderly man out of his house in order to regentrify and put up condos by sending his goons to beat and potentially kill the elderly man, he and his dead wife fight back.
A long-retired Detroit cop who reanimates his dead wife daily at the cemetery to check in and catch up resists growing threats and intimidation from a powerful local criminal out to buy the man’s beloved house.
An elderly man carries out a secret relationship with his deceased wife, whose magic has suspended her in a state of undeath. After the two of them are threatened by thugs looking to take their land, the wife decides to enact bloody retaliation.
Mainstream (studio), Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Supernatural, Dark, Murder, Dark Comedy, Criminal, Death, Gory, Grief, Guns, Husband/Wife, Love, Magic, Marriage, Relationship, Secrets, Small Town, Violence/Violent
Black / African
Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, Warm Bodies, American Gods (TV), Nobody
Contemporary, Roughly a Week
Small Town, Residential Homes, Cemetery, Mansion
DOOLEY (81), a retired Detroit cop much loved by his neighborhood, goes to the cemetery every day to visit his deceased wife, DOROTHY (70’s). She briefly reanimates and chats with him each day, by means of a secret “medicine” that comes from her Haitian heritage.

Thugs TRAVIS (?), ANGUS (?), and MIKE (30’s) harass Dooley on behalf of their boss, GREGORY (50’s), who wants Dooley’s house. After equal parts funny banter and real threats, Dooley won’t back down. Dooley tells his friend CHINESE MIKE (?) that he won’t leave and gets some food for Dorothy. He confides in Dorothy when he goes to visit her.

Since Gregory won’t have it, Mike and the thugs return, beat up Dooley, and give him a timeline. Dooley makes it to the cemetery to tell Dorothy what’s been going on. She is furious. She leaves the cemetery, takes a stop sign, and arrives at the house, where different THUGS are looking for Dooley. She kills them all but one. Gregory gets the story. Mike and Travis go to the house to look at the dead guys, still piled up there in pathetic condition, and report to Gregory that something strange is going on....