• The Creighton Chronicles: Master of Death

  • Ben Parsons
  • Unrepped
  • Available
  • Action
  • Scouted
  • Fantasy
  • 77.1
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A headstrong teenager decides to join the military but struggles to be taken seriously, as her countrymen try to defeat a dangerous wizard hellbent on destroying villages.
A teenage girl determined to escape life on her farm signs up for training with a local lord, and proves herself in fighting as she prepares for battle against an evil wizard.
After finding out that she has been betrothed, a girl journeys to a local castle to train as a soldier. Meanwhile, a powerful witch is looking for a spell book that will give her the power to gain dominion over the land.
Female Protagonist, Action, Fantasy, War, Sword & Sorcerer, Dysfunctional Family, Daughter, Evil, Female, Warrior
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Mulan, Game of Thrones (TV), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Brave
Unknown Era, Several Weeks
Locations include: a forest, village, hilltop, house, barn, river, planting field, rye fields, market, castle, abandoned fortress, camp, tower, dormitory, archery grounds, dining hall, hut, road, arena, rooftop, shop, and alleyway.
WREN (17) lives with her parents, ELSA and CYRUS (both 40s), on a farm. She tells TEETUM she has no interest in being a wife or farmer and wants to serve the realm as a soldier. She practices her sword skills on a stick figure.

PORCIK (40s) asks Wren where her family home is, as he’s been betrothed to her. Wren lies and says his bride has died. Wren sends a letter to Castle Thoromin and is accepted to have a meeting. Wren goes to the castle, to her parents’ disapproval, and meets ORRID (50s), who accepts her after testing her skills. Wren enters the training program with RUSSELL (17) and DOM (17).

The recruits begin their training with ABEL (50s). Orrid warns Wrenn that she’ll be expelled if she doesn’t fall in line (55). He shows her an untranslated prophecy that he believes may be about her. ENDREW (?) tells Wren that the Council of Eyes hosts a competition for those who wish to become officers.
Wren continues to train. She finds out that Russell’s father died due to a condition that doesn’t allow him to heal. Russell has the same condition. Urzak, along with the evil wizard GRENSBAINE,...