• Stardust Imperium

  • Etienne LaFrance
  • Unrepped
  • Available
  • Sci-Fi
  • Scouted
  • Fantasy
  • 74.1
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The 14-year-old son of an intergalactic emperor is named the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet, and gets involved in a battle against a rival emperor and a sorcerer he works with, as the young boy and his bastard older brother try to stop their father’s endless warfare.
The insecure, fearful young heir to a space empire is targeted by a usurper and magician who aim to use his magic blood to end his father's reign. He's forced to harness his inner confidence and conviction in order to survive and protect his loved ones.
The young emperor of a galaxy sneaks outside the palace and meets a girl with special powers. As the evil force draws near, they work together to defeat their enemies together.
High Concept, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi, War, Futuristic, Rescue, Revenge, Sword & Sorcerer, Dysfunctional Family, Battle, Betrayal, Father, Father/Son, Fatherhood, Magic, Rivalry, Siblings, Space/Outer Space, Suspenseful
Game of Thrones (TV), Jupiter Ascending, Star Wars, Dune, Ender's Game, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Steven Universe (TV)
Unspecified future/alternate timeline, a few weeks
Space, flagship, cottage house, ballroom, castle, classroom, garden
A war takes place in space. EMPEROR GALVUS RELAN (34) and his son, FINN (14) watch the fight unfold. He puts Finn in charge of the battle. Just when they are about to lose, he gives the finishing instructions and pushes their army to victory. His inspiration comes from the time when he was still training with DORAN (22), an impressive young man. Galvus was overjoyed by his son’s accomplishment. Finn returns to the castle and is welcomed by everyone. They are getting ready to celebrate the empire’s 20th anniversary. Doran (now 27) and REYNA (20) are watching from the sides. Doran is Galvus’s son but not the heir to the throne because they thought he is trying to become a ruler like Kaario. Finn meets Doran but he appears estranged out of jealousy. Finn is exhausted by the boredom and coldness of castle life so he decides to sneak out into the forest where he encounters a pretty girl named AYLA (13). They have fun together even after Finn reveals his identity as the prince. It turns out that Ayla possesses a stone and power which everyone in the galaxy sought after. They have dinner at her house and he gets to...