• Crossing the Line

  • Patrick Bradley-Moore
  • Unrepped
  • Available
  • Action
  • Drama
  • Scouted
  • 75.2
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During WWII, an altruistic Irish priest leaves the neutral Vatican for dangerous, Nazi-occupied Rome, teaming up with a world-weary Black American soldier to save a critical resistance member, all while a ruthless Nazi hunts them, an experience that changes them both forever.
In 1943 Nazi-occupied Rome, a priest attempts to leave the neutral Vatican to help get a valuable mechanic to a hospital for surgery. He makes the journey with the help of an Italian doctor and receives support from a Black American lieutenant who fights hate.
In 1943 Rome, a Vatican priest and a black American Lieutenant struggle to hide the Vatican's efforts to smuggle POWs out of Nazi-occupied Italy. As a ruthless Nazi official bears down upon them, the duo's faith, morality, and mental fortitude are tested.
In Nazi-occupied Rome, German soldiers attempt to prove that the Vatican is aiding their enemies through an underground POW program.
Action, Drama, Period, Thriller, War, Espionage/Spy, Political, Rescue, Military, Foreign Locale, Foreign Film, Historical, Betrayal, Chase, Escape, Fight, Government, Guns, Nazi, Secrets, Soldier, Spy, WWII
Black / African
Rome, Open City/La grande quercia/, Inglourious Basterds, Schindler's List, Jojo Rabbit
1943/Several Days
Nazi Occupied Rome/Vatican: Vatican Gates/Unmarked Car/Woods/Vatican Conference Room/Nazi Headquarters/General Bauer's Office/Tuscan Estate/Father Walsh's Office/Various Streets/Trunk/Cottage/Outdoor Shed/Living Room/Bedroom/Volkswagen/Cab/Cafe/Hospital/Parking Lot/Lobby/Surgical Room/Basement/Fourth Floor/Second Floor/Stairway/Loading Docks/Vatican Infirmary
In 1943 Rome, LIEUTENANT JACKSON (30s, black) watches GIUSEPPE approach FATHER WALSH (50s, Irish) at the edge of Vatican jurisdiction at the behest of a few Nazis. Jackson alerts a Swiss guard, CONRAD, to warn Walsh that Giuseppe is trying to lure him out of Vatican territory so the Nazis can capture and interrogate him. Walsh and Conrad call out Giuseppe, who admits he was blackmailed. Jackson tries to arrange for Giuseppe to escape the city, but a Nazi known as THE HAWK kills him. Jackson narrowly escapes. Later he chastises Walsh for risking himself. Walsh apologizes and convinces Jackson to take a vacation to relax. CARDINAL MEDICI and other Vatican officials are accused by GENERAL BAUER (40s) of aiding POWs and breaking the Vatican’s neutrality agreement with the Nazis. They deny the accusations. Later, The Hawk ensures he can find evidence to expose the Vatican. Jackson enjoys his vacation at Walsh’s Tuscan estate.

Walsh is informed by DOCTOR AMATO (40s, female) that HANDY is severely ill. They decide to sneak out the Vatican through the local black market food dealer’s trunk. After a harrowing encounter with a suspicious Nazi, they make it to a cottage where Handy...