• Leaving Pete

  • Morgan Matthews
  • 2011
  • Available
  • Comedy
  • Rom-Com
  • 80.9
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Market: Wed, 14 Sep 2011
AgentBill Zotti (CAA)
ManagerTom Drumm (The Safran Co.)
An aspiring author falls for a girl who works at the publishing company that published his ex-wife's book about him.
A writer finds love again after divorce but his ex-wife's book threatens his new relationship.
A man struggles to move forward with his life after his ex-wife writes a best seller describing their terrible relationship. After meeting his dream girl he goes to great lengths to keep his identity under wraps.
Film, Comedy, Romance
White / European
How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Going the Distance
present, over a few months.
Paul's studio apartment, bar, restaurant, dining room, business building, office, reception area, New York streets, living room and bedroom in Long Island house, convention center, New York park.
PAUL (35) has been divorced for a year when he starts getting over the difficult time. Thinking that he and his ex-wife JANE (30s) can be civil and talk about the divorce, he decides to have lunch with her. But she has some news for him. She has written a book about what it was like to be married to him, and how she finally found the strength to leave him. She has titled the book "Leaving Pete". He is hurt and angry, but decides that no one will read the book anyway. A few months later the book is a huge success and all women hate Pete who is the character's name based on him.

A few weeks after the book's success, Paul finds the strength to move on with his life and meets ABBY (20s). After having spent the night together they decide to have lunch the next day. When Paul goes to pick her up at her work he realizes she works for the publishing company that published Jane's book. He considers telling Abby that Pete is based on him, but his friends DEAN (30's) and MURPH (30s) convince him that he should wait and tell...