• The Unnatural Order

  • Becca Davis
  • Unrepped
  • Available
  • Sci-Fi
  • Thriller
  • Scouted
  • 77
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In an alternate reality in which women's rights are trampled upon due to a system of controlled conception and childbirth, a married woman comes to realize she is at the center of a horrifying conspiracy while an activist works to uncover the shocking nature of the woman's true identity.
In a world where the government grants women permits to get pregnant and sends children with “psychopathic traits” to re-education camps, a feminist activist looking to register voters comes across a woman who seems to have no memory of a previous pregnancy, and is going by a new identity with a new husband in an affluent suburb. The activist digs deeper into the mystery and discovers intrigue connected to a draconian presidential candidate, just as the wife starts to have disturbing memories and suspicions of manipulation by her husband.
In an American dystopia in which the government has to authorize who can have children in an attempt to make sure no psychopaths are born, an activist's child gets sick and has to be registered with the government and be sent away for "re-education." In order to keep this from happening, the activist starts an investigation into the organization known as FASTI in an attempt to expose and take them down.
High Concept, Female Protagonist, Drama, Sci-fi, Thriller, Mystery, Conspiracy, Futuristic, Medical, Political, Corruption, Social Commentary, Experiment, Female, Government, Marriage, Motherhood, Pregnancy
Handmaid's Tale (TV), Swallow, The Stepford Wives, Children of Men, Gattaca, What Happened to Monday, Swallow
Present Day / A Few Months
100% American City: public community center, homes, corporate headquarters, coffee shop.
In an alternate, contemporary reality, a PREGNANT WOMAN (30s) enters a coffee shop. The coffee shop patrons’ moods shift as she enters, and she becomes the center of everyone’s focus. As the patrons and a MALE BARISTA (20s) do their best to make sure she is served quickly and comfortably, a news report comes on that details a recent school shooting. The Pregnant Woman becomes upset, and her water breaks as the patrons rush to help her.

From there, a series of political broadcasts detail how a politician in this universe named MATTHEW FORD (35) ushered in policies that identify children with Sociopathic and/or Psychopathic Traits, AKA SAPT, and place them into the FairHaven Anti-SAPT Training Institute, AKA FASTI, for reconditioning and a lowering of their SAPT levels. To reduce the number of children with SAPT, he has also instituted the Conception Protection Act, aka CPA, which causes women to require permits to bear children and urges them to lead peaceful lives during gestation periods to ensure a lowering of SAPT in their children.

An activist named KIMBER TAL (20), who is against the CPA, ultimately takes a job with the government as she helps determine who is eligible for...