• In His Stead

  • Michael Droberg
  • Unrepped
  • Available
  • Action
  • Drama
  • Scouted
  • 81.2
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Producer: Jeff Singer
ProductionStowaway Entertainment (jeff@stowawayentertainment.com)
An ex-soldier finds out his son, who’s dealing with PTSD and whose wife is pregnant, is being deployed back to Afghanistan. Desperate to save his son’s family, the father taps into an old loophole that allows draftees to send someone else to war in their place.
A father with a military background invokes an old military policy to take his PTSD-stricken son out of service, and go in his place.
A family struggles to cope with the death of their son in Afghanistan. When the other son learns he will shortly be redeployed to Afghanistan himself, his father decides to make use of an archaic law to take his son’s place in the war
Film, Action, Drama, Family, War, Military, Foreign Locale, Survival, Alcohol, Alcoholism, Battle, Death, Father/Son, Fatherhood, Parent, Parenthood, Soldier, Son, True Story, Violence/Violent
Brothers, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Ordinary People, The Hurt Locker, Lone Survivor
2006-2008 / Over the course of approximately 2 years
Split between Afghanistan (desert, air base, village, barracks) and Pennsylvania (house, cemetery, metal factory, saloon, court, hospital, military training area).
At Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan 2006, SERGEANT TOMMY LANE JR. (20s) interacts with another soldier, RODGERS, and is surprised to see his brother PVT. MICHAEL LANE (20s). Suddenly, gunfire erupts and insurgents storm the base. Rodgers is hit and a suicide bomber sets off a violent explosion that kills Tommy.

One year later, Tommy’s funeral takes place in Pennsylvania. TOM LANE SR. (40s) goes to work at Metal Works Machining alongside FRANK (40s) and CECILIA (40s). Michael struggles to adjust to Tommy’s death, and Tom is very critical of him for it. At the Lane house, CHRISTINE (40s) cooks one of Tommy’s favorite recipes. Michael and his wife SARAH (20s) join them for dinner and they toast to Tommy’s birthday. Michael announces that his unit has been recalled and he will be going back to Afghanistan.

Michael drinks with PETE (20s) and talks about the guilt he feels over his brother’s death. At the bar, MEATHEAD pushes CANDY (20s) and Michael punches him. Candy asks to buy him a drink but notices his wedding ring. Later, Tom has to pick Michael up after a drunk-driving-related accident. Sarah reveals to Tom that she is pregnant and...