• Daddio

  • Christy Hall
  • Available
  • Drama
  • 2017
  • Black List
  • 73.2
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Market: Tue, 03 Oct 2017
Actor: Daisy Ridley
Agent (CAA)
Manager (LBI)
The story follows a woman who is picked up by a cab at JFK airport. While on the way to her apartment, the woman and cabdriver begin discussing their past and current relationships and the effects those relationships have had on their lives.
When a young woman lands in New York, she and her cabbie embark on the long journey from JFK to Midtown and whilst they drive, they learn more about each other, themselves, and the effect that their collective experiences have had on them.
A young woman and her cab driver spend the long ride from JFK Airport to Manhattan opening up about their lives, world views and dreams.
On the way home from the airport, a young woman speaks about her life to her taxi driver.
Film, Independent (avant-garde), Female Protagonist, Drama, Romance, Road Movies, Slice of Life, Social Commentary, Car, Affair, Dating, Love, Marriage, Psychodrama, Racy/Raunchy, Sex
Before Sunrise, African Queen, Before Sunset
Present, 2015. One Night.
100% in New York City. Mostly inside a cab. Also, roads and highways, specifically the I-678, 495. 44th and 9th apartment. JFK International Airport. Flashbacks to a dreamlike void (Bathroom, Mandarin Oriental, Oklahoma backyard, Oklahoma front yard, Oklahoma trailer).
Text bubbles depict a text conversation between GIRLIE (Late 20s) and an unnamed character. She is just boarding her plane from Oklahoma to New York and has no time for chit chat.

Girlie exits her plane that has just landed at JFK International Airport, hails a cab, and gets in. Her cabbie is CLARK (40s), an attractive blue-collar stereotype. He begins to talk to her about how technology has changed his line of work and how it's probably going to effect the world.

They continue down the road and she begins to receive more text messages from L (unknown). These are seemingly unwanted texts but she responds. All the while maintaining light banter with Clark about money, old passengers, and her unique New York persona.

As more text messages from L, clearly sexual in nature, flood her phone, Girlie takes the time to ignore them and engage in conversation with Clark. She tells him she's from Gage, Oklahoma, and that she is a computer programmer. They talk about ones and zeroes, booleans, and bytes, until they come to a complete stop in New York traffic.

While sitting in traffic, she gets another slew of messages from L. Girlie is clearly...