• Infinite (Shorr)

  • Ian Shorr
  • Set Up
  • Action
  • Sci-Fi
  • Thriller
  • 2017
  • Black List
  • 80.7
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Market: Mon, 13 Mar 2017Sold: Wed, 15 Mar 2017
Producer: John Zaozirny, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Mark Vahradian, Rafi Crohn
ManagerJohn Zaozirny (Bellevue Productions)
AgentCharles Ferraro, David Park, Jason Burns (UTA)
The hallucinations of a schizophrenic are revealed to be memories from past lives where he obtained talents that he still has to this day. Wanted meets The Matrix.
A schizophrenic man discovers that he belongs to the infinites, a group able to reincarnate, and he is the only one who can stop the first infinite from destroying all life on Earth.
A group with the ability to reincarnate must use the collective skills garnered from their past lives to take down a rogue member set on destroying the planet.
When a schizophrenic man learns that his hallucinations and troubles are due to his place in a group called the Infinites who can reincarnate, he must help them to save the planet from one of their own
Film, Action, Sci-fi, Thriller, Mental Illness, Corruption, Violence/Violent
White / European
Matrix, Wanted, Avatar the Last Airbender, Cloud Atlas
1990-Present, a few days, with some flash backs to various eras through past life regressions.
LA, highways, int. cars, crane. Boston, house, nerve center, police station, safehouse in Blackstone National Forrest, Himalayas, Switzerland, hotel in Singapore. Surveillance Center, ancient Japanese dojo, airplane.
We open on a highspeed chase through LA in 1990. An officer, BEALL (45), is in pursuit of the Lamborghini that caused the chase. In the Lambo is HENRICH TREADWAY (40), who is tending to a bullet wound. Nearby, a Bugatti speeds along with ALEXANDRE ABELIN (30) and LEONA WARRICK (30), a two person extraction team. While Treadway expels himself from his car and is flung onto a nearby crane, they get t-boned by a semi being driven by an UNSEEN MAN. They decide to set the car aflame instead of face him. An injured Treadway watches the car erupt in flames from above but must continue his mission. BATHURST (30s) leaves the crane’s elevator at the top. He demands a case from Treadway. They fight but it ends with Treadway stepping off the crane to his death.

We jump to present day Boston and into an abandoned victorian house. ETHAN MCCAULEY (27) is scaling its fence with a duffel bag. He’s stopped by a security guard who demands to see the contents of the bag and his ID. Inside are nails that he’s collected and a case of meds. He ends up knocking Ethan out.

He awakens in a complex where he...