• Carnada

  • Katie Werner
  • Set Up
  • Thriller
  • Drama
  • 2016
  • Black List
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Market: Thu, 15 Sep 2016Sold: Sat, 01 Oct 2016
AgentBryan Diperstein, Erik Horine, Tyler Kroos (ICM)
ManagerRyan Cunningham (Madhouse)
FinancierStar Thrower Entertainment
In the wake of the Cuban Missile Crisis, an ambitious young CIA agent is assigned to the Miami field office, where he gets the career-making opportunity to become the case officer for a charismatic Cuban ambassador offering to help eliminate Fidel Castro. As their relationship grows, however, he begins to question the validity of his mission and the true motives of his superiors.
A young CIA agents tips the scales of right and wrong as he does his best to plan the assassination of Fidel Castro.
A young CIA agent looking to make a name for himself forms a relationship with a Russian ambassador who offers to help them assassinate Fidel Castro.
A young man is sent to Miami to be a translator for CIA government agents working to put down Castro's regime, but he decides to play a more active role in his personal mission for a free Havana.
Film, Crime, Thriller, Cop/FBI/CIA, Historical, CIA, True Story
White / European
Thirteen Days, The Lost City
1962/Over a Year
CIA Headquarters, Streets of Miami, Miami Apartments of various financial levels, Mechanic Shop, Family Home, Paris restaurant, Streets, and Hotel Room. CIA safe house. Switzerland Restaurant and Club. Streets of Brazil, Restaurant. Streets and cafes of Spain.
MAX (50s) is eating dinner with his wife and kids. He receives a phone call informing him that the man he's been looking for has been found. This immediately consumes all his attention and he gets on plane right away.

Flashback to 1962: Max is 28 and getting off a plane in Miami. He is a serious young man that is willing to do whatever it takes to prove himself. He arrives at the CIA headquarters, which is being disguised as a large corporation, and where he meets his boss FITZGERALD (45).

Max is hired as a Spanish translator, so essentially a "fancy secretary." He is anxious to prove himself at the beginning, but can't seem to get the attention from Fitzgerald for simple tasks. He receives advice from a coworker to do something BIG in order to advance to better job tasks.

Max gets help from his coworker RAUL (26), a friendly Cuban who has connections around Miami, in order to get Fitzgerald's car fixed. They take it to Raul's friend SOUCI's (38) garage who agrees to fix it free of charge in order to help Raul out of a "jam" that he makes up on the spot. Max also asks for a list...